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Frequently Asked Questions

SSCA® 'Elite' SIP training and access to the SSCA® 'Elite'certification test is $451.25 and you can see this by clicking on the 'Buy it Now' button on the menu.

Pricing for the other programs such as Networking for VVoIP, SIP & Cloud - Advanced Sales and WebRTC can be found on this page 

For 'group' discounts please send an email to with information on the courses you are interested in and the number of students that you may want to enroll.

Click on 'Buy it now'

Decide on which course or course package you would like

Next to your chosen course, enter the number of students you would like to sign up and click Continue

The next page will allow you to enter the student name and email details so we can send their logon information

This page also shows you the total amount to pay in $ Euro or £  [Crypto is also allowed for Bitcoin and Ether]

You may also enter a discount code here if you have one 

When you continue to the next page you enter the Purchaser / Buyer address information

Proceed to accept the Terms and Conditions of our system

Enter Credit Card or PayPal information [or for Crypto you will be redirected to an alternate payment page]

The logon emails and receipt are now sent automatically via email

The preferred method is via the website using a Credit Card or PayPal.  We even accept Bitcoin, Ethereum and Dogecoin.

For Purchase Orders / Invoices to be accepted we require 5 or more student licenses to constitute the order, please send a request to

A training License gives an individual student access to the training program and / or certification test that they or their company have purchased for them for a duration of 12 months from date of purchase.

They are individual licenses and must not be shared with others.  Sharing a logon (license) is against the Terms and Conditions of purchase and use, any such sharing will result in the revocation of the license with no refund.

SSCA® 'Elite' SIP training 

The average student study time is approx 16 hours / 15 mins (increasing to 30+ if all Labs are attempted).  The SSCA® 'Elite' certification test is not included in this average.

Networking 4 VVoIP and the SSVVP 

The average student study time is approx 13 hours and includes the training, lab exercises and sample quizzes.  The SSVVP™ certification test is not included in this average.

SIP & Cloud - Advanced Sales training program

The average student study time is approx 4hours.  The SSSP™ certification test is not included in this average.

Important additional information

For each course, a student access license is valid for 12 months from the date of purchase according to UK (GMT) time.

Any associated tests must be attempted before the license expires or access is lost.

An email will be sent 2 weeks prior to expiry to warn of this.

You can check on the expiry date by logging on and clicking on the 'Expiry' tab

Licenses cannot be extended beyond the expiry date unless paid for.

All tests are online, you do not need to go to a 'testing center'

All tests that you have a valid license for are accessible when you logon

They are all 'Timed' and when you start the test you will be shown instructions before the timer begins.  These instructions will tell you how much time you are allowed.  

For example, the SSCA® 'Elite' test is timed at 80 minutes.

Passmark for all tests is 80%.  

For example, the SSCA® 'Elite' test requires that you get 44 questions correct out of the 55 that we present to you.

The SSCA® 'Elite' and SSVVP test licenses allow 3 attempts.  If you use all 3 and need another attempt then you can purchase 'test only' licenses from the website.

If you successfully pass the test you will be shown your score and then you can download your certificate and logo image by clicking on the 'History' tab on the website.

No, all training and testing is online

We keep our training content up to date and fresh. This way, you can keep coming back to the program during your license period and see all the new elements we have added. 

We also are the 'sole' issuing authority for the certifications SSCA® 'Elite' / SSVVP™ and the SSSP™

If you are new to the world of Voice over IP and Data, then Networking 4 VoIP is where you should start

If you have Networking experience, then you are ready to move onto the SSCA® 'Elite' SIP training program and get yourself certified

If you want both programs, then we offer a 'bundle' package at 10% off the individual prices.

If you are in Sales and even Marketing and need to know enough to get out there and sell your UC/Hosted PBX/SIP trunking services, then the SIP & Cloud - Advanced Sales training program is perfect for you.

All courses have outline PDF documents and Demos available by clicking on the 'Training and Certification' menu item

For more information, click here

Everything from SIP messaging through Servers, Security, SIP Trunking, ENUM, how to troubleshoot SIP, SIP in the Cloud, SIP with VoLTe, SIP and Fax over IP, SIP in Unified Communications + more, details here

Becoming a SIP School Certified Associate or SSCA® 'Elite' proves that you both understand the protocol called SIP and can work in the ever-evolving world of Voice and Video over IP.

The SSCA® 'Elite' is the single most important certification on SIP in the world today and we'd like to help you get certified.

The SSCA® 'Elite' is endorsed by many Industry organizations and companies - you can see them on the website when selecting  'Partners' from the menu

How is the SSCA® 'Elite' different from the 'older' SSCA®?


SSCA®  'Elite' certification is valid for 2 years from the date of passing the test.  To re-certify, please purchase another SSCA®  'Elite' certification license from this site.

Passing the SSCA®  'Elite' Certification is also worth 20 CEC Credits toward a BICSI Certification

The SSVVP™ or SIP School VVoIP Professional is a certification that proves you have a good foundation in all things networking and how Voice and Video over IP operates across these networks. It replaces the SSVP™ as the vast number of changes and additions to the Networking 4 VVoIP training program meant that a change in the 'generation' of the certification needed to be made.

The SSVVP™ exam is associated with our training course called Networking 4 VVoIP and is worth 11x CEC Credits towards a BICSI certification.

For full details on the program:- Go to the website menu, choose 'Training and Certification' and click on the Outline button next to Networking 4 VVoIP.

Note: The SSCA­® is the highest value qualification available from the SIP School and the SSVVP™ can be seen as a great foundation for the SSCA® SIP training program.

Also Note:

SSVVP™ Certification is valid for 2 years from the date of passing the test.  To re-certify, please purchase another SSVVP™ Certification license from this site.

This training is designed to suit anyone involved with selling (or even marketing) of UC, Hosted PBX and/or SIP trunking such as: Manufacturers of IP PBX and IP Phone equipment, SIP security manufacturers, SIP Trunk/Hosted PBX service providers and Carriers, Network Design specialists, Sales and Management personnel working with VoIP equipment and services; all of these will benefit from this program.

Please note, that even with an initial focus on the UC, Hosted PBX and SIP trunking market in the USA, the course principles are applicable to service markets globally and other examples regarding other countries will be included over time.

Become a 'SIP School Sales Professional' or SSSP™
The SIP & Cloud - Advanced training program is accompanied by the SSSP™ certification test. 


SSSP™ Certification is valid for 2 years from the date of passing the test.  To re-certify, please purchase another SSSP™ Training and Certification license from this site.

Note: For the SSSP™ only!

If you pass your SSSP™ certification test then your training access will be extended for a year from the test pass date.  This is a bonus feature for all Sales people taking this program.

We recommend large screen devices such as desktops and laptops to get the full experience and also to see the technical details shown on the screen - especially Wireshark traces.  Tablet devices are also fine yet Mobile devices do tend to be difficult to use because of their screen size.

The device used must be connected to the Internet at all times and will benefit from a connection speed of 10Mbps+   ... Other speeds above 5Mbps will work though you may experience some delays in the training loading at first.

The training is provided in HTML5 format - browser compatibility is detailed here

For the course, you will download Softphone clients and other software to your device thus you will need the correct access rights to do this.  Smartphones (and tablets) can also be used to install SIP phone clients if you have one.

For any more questions please email 

The training programs will run on most devices using a 'supported' browser but as there is a lot of detail displayed on the screen we recommend that screen sizes are no less than 240mm in size.  Less than this and information will become hard to see.

This course encourages you to download free software (such as softphones) and connect to free SIP service providers (ITSPs) to get you working.  We do not officially endorse these products or services; we just want you – the student – to get real experience without having to spend a lot of money.

The SIP School has a 'sister' site in WebRTC School.  Both of these sites are owned by Vocale Ltd.   From September 1st 2023, WebRTC programs and exams are no longer sale items.  Students with existing licenses can still access their programs.
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